Antioxidants (AOX) and antiUV are compounds widely used to protect polymers from possible degradation and also ensure the characteristics of the finished product in the long term (gloss, hardness, color, transparency, etc.).
The analytical technique by LC/TOF-MS (liquid chromatography coupled to a time-of-flight mass spectrometry detector), which scans a mass range up to 3000 m / z, makes it possible to determine the quantity and the composition of antioxidants of your most complex MasterBatch, your PVC films, polyolefins, paints, glues ...
Whether your polymer has a defect, discoloration , suspicion of degradation or your master batch is of unknown composition , the Polymex team will take care of the identification and quantification of your antioxidants, antiUV, antistatic and other additives!
List (not exhaustive) of the compounds already analyzed in UPLC/TOF-MS:
Our analytical resources